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Rural Living: A World of Possibilities

Sep 10

1 min read




Beyond the open spaces and backyard chickens, rural living offers a wealth of opportunities. From generating income through hay production or land leasing to producing your own food for local sale (with the necessary permits), the possibilities are endless.

For Carstens Ranch, this weekend marked a significant milestone: processing their first pig. While it was a bittersweet moment, as their beloved pigs had become cherished members of the ranch, they also saw it as an opportunity to teach their children about the origins of their food and the respect due to livestock.

Bred with a specific purpose in mind, these pigs were destined to produce the delicious British bacon and sausages the family craved. This first harvest marks the beginning of a new chapter for the farmstead side of their business, as they embark on a journey to introduce authentic British flavors to their community.

You don't need a vast acreage to start producing your own food, whether it's for personal consumption or local sale. When considering rural land, factors like soil quality, water availability, climate, and growing seasons are paramount. While soil can be improved, fertile soil is ideal. Access to natural spring water for irrigation can be hugely beneficial. And depending on the climate, you may need to invest in polytunnels or greenhouses to extend your growing seasons.

To delve deeper into land considerations, we've developed a comprehensive 20-point evaluation. It's sure to provide valuable insights.

Contact us today to discuss your rural living goals.

#homesteading #smallbusiness #sustainableliving #ruralliving #landpurchase

Sep 10

1 min read





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