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Escaping the Urban Jungle: The Rise of Rural Living

Aug 19

3 min read




The allure of self-sufficiency and a life removed from the hustle and bustle of urban and suburban living has never been stronger.

As concerns about climate change, economic instability, and social unrest grow, more and more people are seeking out remote properties as a form of insurance – a "safe house" or "bug out" location.

Why the City Isn't Enough

Life in urban and suburban areas offers conveniences, but it also exposes residents to vulnerabilities. Natural disasters, power outages, civil unrest, and economic downturns can disrupt daily life and create challenges. Moreover, reliance on external systems for food, water, and energy leaves city dwellers susceptible to shortages. A remote property offers a degree of independence and control that urban living simply cannot match.

The Importance of a Well-Thought-Out Plan

Owning a remote property is just the first step. Successfully transforming it into a self-sustaining haven requires careful planning and consideration of numerous factors. This is where the expertise of a company like Save Haven Agriculture becomes invaluable.

20 Critical Considerations for Your Remote Property

Save Haven Agriculture emphasizes the importance of evaluating a property based on 20 key factors:

  1. Climate: Understanding the local weather patterns is crucial for selecting suitable crops, livestock, and building structures.

  2. Landscape: The property's topography, elevation, and visibility can impact security, water availability, and overall suitability.

  3. Water: A reliable water source is essential for human consumption, livestock, and agriculture.

  4. Roads & Access: Balancing seclusion with accessibility is vital for both daily life and emergency situations.

  5. Emergency Shelters: A secure shelter is a non-negotiable component of any safe haven.

  6. Trees & Agriculture: Trees provide shade, timber, and potential food sources, while suitable land can support diverse agricultural endeavors.

  7. Soil & Soil Type: Understanding the soil's composition is crucial for successful farming and gardening.

  8. Security & Defensibility: Protecting your property and family requires a comprehensive security plan.

  9. Capturing & Storing Energy: Independence from the grid can be achieved through renewable energy sources and backup systems.

  10. Social Environment: Compatible neighbors can enhance your quality of life and sense of security.

  11. Knowledge & Knowhow: Practical skills are essential for self-sufficiency.

  12. Subdivision & Fencing: Properly dividing and enclosing your property is crucial for livestock management and security.

  13. Structures: Existing buildings can be assets or liabilities, depending on their condition and suitability.

  14. Farming Equipment: The right equipment is essential for efficient land management.

  15. Upkeep of Property: A well-maintained property is more productive and secure.

  16. First Aid: Being prepared for medical emergencies is crucial in remote areas.

  17. Livestock: Animals can provide food, fiber, and income, but careful planning is essential.

  18. Disaster Recovery: A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is vital for protecting your family and property.

  19. Zero Waste: Sustainable living involves minimizing waste and maximizing resources.

  20. Generating Revenue: Your property can be a source of income as well as a place to live.

Protecting Your Family

A remote property is not just about physical survival; it's about creating a safe and nurturing environment for your family. This includes not only physical protection but also emotional and psychological well-being. Having a well-thought-out plan, including emergency procedures, communication strategies, and medical preparedness, is essential.


Embarking on the journey to create a remote safe haven is a significant undertaking. By carefully considering the factors outlined above and seeking expert guidance from companies like Save Haven Agriculture, you can increase your chances of building a thriving and resilient community for yourself and your family. It's an investment in not just your property but in your future.


Aug 19

3 min read





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