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Our 20 Point Evaluation

Our industry-exclusive 20-step permaculture evaluation guarantees you a property that's not just land, but a thriving ecosystem. We eliminate the guesswork, ensuring your new home can sustain you and your family for years to come.


By applying permaculture principles, you can accurately assess a property's potential to support your desired lifestyle. This holistic approach helps identify factors like soil health, water availability, microclimate, and existing plant life,  natural structures for security, ensuring your land purchase aligns with your long-term goals. 

What We Evaluate

1. Climate

Your property's location is the cornerstone of your success. From soaring temperatures to sudden snowstorms, where you plant your roots can make or break your dreams. Consider your family, livestock, and livelihood when choosing a spot. Can your aspirations weather the storm? Let's explore how geography can shape your future.

4. Roads & Access

Your property's access point is crucial. Strike the perfect balance between seclusion and convenience. A hidden gem off the beaten path is ideal, but accessibility is key. Picture this: a clear view of the road ahead and the ability to control who comes and goes. Nature can be your gatekeeper – imagine felling trees or rolling boulders to protect your sanctuary

7. Soil & Soil Type

Soil: the unsung hero of your property. What you grow or raise hinges on this earthy foundation. Rich, fertile soil is a farmer's dream, while sturdy, well-drained land is perfect for livestock. The lay of the land dictates its composition, so understanding your soil is key to unlocking your property's potential.

10. Social Environment

The people around you can significantly impact your remote living experience. Do your neighbors share your desire for self-sufficiency and privacy? Or are they accustomed to the conveniences of urban or suburban life? Compatible neighbors can enhance your sense of community and security, while differing lifestyles might create potential challenges or conflicts.

13. Structures

Existing structures can significantly impact your property's potential. Are there already buildings on the land? Are they visible from the road, making them a potential security risk? Consider their condition, purpose, and potential for repurposing. If they're structurally sound and can be adapted to your needs, you might save on construction costs. However, if they're dilapidated or unsuitable, you'll need to factor in the expense of demolition and building anew. Carefully assessing existing structures is crucial for effective planning and budgeting.

16. First Aid

Health and safety are paramount, especially in remote locations. Do you have the first aid skills to handle emergencies? We'll equip you with a customized first aid kit tailored to your family's needs and provide essential field techniques. While we hope you never need them, it's crucial to have a plan for accessing medical care in case of emergencies. Do you have a clear route to a hospital or an emergency airlift option? Being prepared can make all the difference in a crisis.

19. Zero Waste

Waste not, want not. A self-sustaining property should also be waste-free. Let's transform your property into a closed-loop ecosystem where nothing goes to waste. By carefully planning and implementing sustainable practices, we can eliminate waste and create a harmonious balance. Imagine transforming kitchen scraps into compost, rainwater into drinking water, and even animal waste into valuable resources. Let's build a property that respects the environment and maximizes its potential.

2. Landscape

Safety and self-sufficiency go hand-in-hand. A secure property is often elevated, visible, and fertile. Consider nature’s elements when choosing your land: altitude, wind patterns, and flood risk can significantly impact your peace of mind and productivity.

5. Emergency Shelters 

Your remote haven deserves a fortress within. Whether it's a fleeting twister or a prolonged crisis, having the right shelter is paramount. From in-house safe rooms for quick escapes to underground bunkers for extended survival, we'll design a solution tailored to your needs. Imagine a space stocked with life-sustaining supplies, including your cherished pets and essential medications. Let's build a sanctuary that weatherproofs your peace of mind.

8. Security & Defensibility

Your property's location is your first line of defense. We've honed our protection strategies across three continents, ready to craft a custom shield for your land. From lethal to natural deterrents, we've got you covered. Imagine ostriches as your vigilant guardians! These low-maintenance watchbirds are proven predators to both humans and wildlife in zones 6-9. Let's create a fortress that not only keeps intruders out but also safeguards your peace of mind.

11. Knowledge & Knowhow

Self-sufficiency extends beyond just growing food. Are you handy around the house? Can you tackle tasks ranging from basic repairs to more complex projects without relying on outside help? Understanding how to maintain your property, from fixing a leaky roof to operating farm equipment, is crucial for long-term success. Basic mechanical skills and a willingness to learn are invaluable assets for anyone embracing a self-reliant lifestyle.

14. Farming Equipment

A tractor is your property's workhorse, but choosing the right one can be overwhelming. We've honed our expertise over years, matching tractors and equipment perfectly to your land and needs. Unlike many, we understand the intricacies of sizing equipment and offer hands-on training. Our top pick? The New Holland Workmaster – its unique instructor seat sets it apart. We'll guide you through selecting the ideal implements for your property, ensuring they work seamlessly with your tractor. Our comprehensive training sessions cover everything from setup to safe operation. With two full days of hands-on experience, you'll gain the confidence to tackle any task. Let us be your equipment experts, turning your property into a productive haven.

17. Livestock

We have been farming livestock for over 20 years and are second-generation farmers. We have extensive experience from managing wildlife to domestic farm animals and poultry. We will work with you to plan what livestock will be relevant for your specific circumstances and property carrying capacity. We will explain the difference, for example, between sheep breeds and what breed will work for your climate, including wool or hair sheep. We will design the animal shelters with you and show you how to manage and work with livestock safely. We will also advise on how to protect your animals by, for example, using donkeys, dogs, fencing, and guineafowl to alert you.

20. Generating Revenue

Your property could be more than just a retreat; it could be a profitable venture. We've transformed our land into lucrative enterprises and can guide you in doing the same. It starts with strategic planning, careful property selection, and a clear vision. With passion as your compass, we'll help you unlock your property's earning potential, turning it into a sustainable asset that generates income while fulfilling your dreams.

3. Water

Water is life. Will your property quench that thirst? Consider your water source: is it reliable, accessible, and pure? From winter freezes to summer droughts, can you guarantee a steady supply for your family, livestock, and crops? Think beyond the present – can rainwater harvesting or innovative technologies turn this precious resource into power?

6. Trees & Agriculture

Trees: nature's fortress and feast. They shield you from storms, power your home, and create a natural privacy screen. Let's transform your land into a productive oasis. We'll help you grow food that thrives in your climate, attracting wildlife while filling your pantry. Imagine harvesting your own bounty and nurturing a thriving ecosystem – it's more than just a garden, it's a sustainable sanctuary.

9. Capture & Store Energy

Powering your off-grid oasis requires careful planning. We'll assess your land to harness the sun, wind, or water for clean energy. While these renewable sources are powerful, a backup plan is essential. Generators fueled by diesel, propane, or even wood gas can bridge the gap. With at least 7 acres of trees, you could achieve energy independence using wood gas for electricity and heat. Remember, batteries are vital but have a lifespan, so a well-rounded energy strategy is key.

12. Subdivision & Fencing

Property boundaries and division are essential for effective land management. Does your property already have fences in place, and if so, are they suitable for your intended use? Understanding the various fencing options and their costs is crucial. For those planning livestock, proper subdivision is key for implementing rotational grazing, a method that improves soil health and animal well-being. Careful consideration of these factors will significantly impact your property's productivity and overall management.

15. Upkeep of Property

Property upkeep can quickly become a daunting task. Not only is it time-consuming, but it can also be costly. Let us help you design a low-maintenance property that's both efficient and enjoyable. By incorporating natural solutions like peacocks for weed control, ducks as pond cleaners, and Shetland Sheep for grazing, we can significantly reduce your workload. Imagine a property that practically maintains itself while providing you with added benefits like beautiful plumage and delicious eggs.

18. Disaster Recovery

Disaster preparedness is essential for a secure, self-sufficient lifestyle. From natural calamities to economic downturns, life's uncertainties require a robust plan. We'll guide you in creating a comprehensive strategy to protect your family and property. This includes designing shelters, stockpiling supplies, and acquiring the necessary skills. Imagine having an underground haven equipped with everything you need to weather any storm. Let's build resilience together and ensure you're prepared for whatever life throws your way.

Let's get started.

Our consultancy fees are based on acreage and complexity, start at $750, project management and other services are priced per project. 

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